All prices displayed on our product pages are exclusive of VAT.
- Customers located outside of the European Union will be responsible for paying VAT and/or customs clearance before delivery of their order, and will not have VAT applied at checkout.
- Customers located inside of the European Union will have VAT applied to their order at checkout.
If you are a business with a valid VAT number which is located within the European Union and would like your account to be VAT exempt, please follow these directions:
- When creating a new customer account, select ‘Yes’ on the question titled "VAT Exempt"
- Email your VAT number and EU Member State to BEFORE placing your order*
- A member of our sales & support team will verify that your VAT registration is valid through the VIES VAT Number Validation website, and confirm your exemption status via email
- Once you receive confirmation via email, you may place orders on the REV Robotics Europe website as VAT exempt.
*Orders placed before exemption status is confirmed will automatically have VAT applied. VAT will not be refunded if an order is placed prior to confirming exemption status. Any additional taxes, fees, duties, customs import fees, etc. are the responsibility of the purchaser. Please note that the final price at checkout may vary based on your location and any exemptions or adjustments that may apply.